Augmented Reality

AR has come a long way in a few short years. Here at Facebook I’ve shipped many AR Masks and other Spark features. What I’m really excited about is what the future holds for Augmented Reality. In the meantime, here are a few rough ideas from 2017.


AR Wayfinding

Imagine a future where you can get where you need to go through wayfindnig in AR, and see recommendations from friends placed in your real world context.



Location/Event Based AR

AR has the capability to unlock magic around us, building on our real world environment. This case study considers what an enhanced concert experience might be like with contextual AR.



AR Game Sketches

I call these Sketches because, well, you’ll notice that they are still very much at the idea phase. Internal FB Employees are able to view the full film here.



Space Invaders just got a biiig upgrade. Imagine playing an interactive immersive game that turns your living room into a battle zone for futuristic space crafts.

Team Anthony Dodero, Matthew Simari, Brent Wong, Dan Hess


Global Art Program


Peace Day