celebrate small

Gratitude is one of those magical things that has inexplicably outsized benefits; it’s been linked to improvements in psychological well-being, happiness, self esteem, optimism, and even your overall physical health. (source.)

But, we often set the bar too high on what we think qualifies as deserving of gratitude (I graduated! I got married! I got promoted!) When the bar is too high, we miss out on everyday gratitude. The truth is, we gain the same benefits when we are grateful for everyday things.

Celebrate small is all about finding your everyday gratitude moments.


I started making lightweight gratitude kits in 2016 to help people celebrate small things every day.

Each kit includes a simple instructions card and confetti. The kits asks you to find something small that brings you joy, and to then release confetti on it, and have a moment to celebrate that thing. The confetti helps turn the moment into an instant celebration, while also making it difficult to take yourself seriously. I think that can be a good thing.


some small things I’ve celebrated


Your turn.

If you’re trying to get in on this little dose of confetti – tap the button below to share your preferred mailing address for your kit to be sent.


Peace Day

